Weaverville Fire Protection District

Regular Meeting –Tuesday April 9, 2013

4:00 p.m. - 125 Bremer Street, Weaverville, California


George Owen, Chairman                                                                                  Bill Britton, Commissioner

Dee Potter, Vice-Chairman                                                                       Mike Williams, Commissioner 

                                                                                                     Larry Helsley, Commissioner                                                                 

I.                CALL TO ORDER:


II.              CONSENT AGENDA: All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the board and will be enacted by one vote.  If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes March 5, 2013 -

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries -  


III.            ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss/Approve - Waive hall rental fee for a fund raiser for a high school student attending the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Summer Flight Exploration 2013 Program in Phoenix Arizona. Event scheduled for Friday, April 19, 2013

B.     Discuss/Approve - Declare old 2121 as surplus.

C.    Discuss/Approve – Computers and software to replace existing office computers. Cost to be approximately $2500.00

D.    Discuss/Approve - Jim Beeson request to change the location of the sign on the oil school property for the Golden Age Center Blue Barn.

E.     Discuss/Approve – Employment agreement between the Weaverville Fire Protection District and Ernie Curran.


IV.            CLOSED SESSION:

A.         PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (54957)

            Title (District Clerk)


V.              REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION: (54957.1)



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report:

B.     Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report:

C.    Sleeper Program Reports:

D.    Committee Reports:

1.      Recruitment Committee: (Britton, Helsley, Alvord, Corbett)

2.      Collections Committee: (Hammer, Owen, Watkins)

3.      Contract Committee: (Williams, Alvord, Watkins)

4.      Tuition Committee: (Potter, Alvord)

5.      Budget committee: (Helsley, Potter, Alvord, Kormeier, Watkins)

E.     Director Reports:




IX.            ADJOURNMENT: